Monday, August 18, 2014


Catching polywogs and other wigglies!

L-R:  Summer, Silver, River

I LOVE this picture with Colt in his white shirt rolled up and Summer showing her discovery!


Summer with Polywog

Tanzi has a little scoot she does across the floor.  One of her nicknames is Polly for Polywog~!
She loves to kick her feet if she is content.  While she is eating or especially when having a bottle she kicks and kics.  Too cute!

Video:  Tanz scooting across floor to song "little speckled frogs sat on a speckled log"

Friday, August 15, 2014

Bows and Arrows

Our girls enjoy their bows and arrows. 

One of my Favorite Pictures!

VIDEO:  Summer with Daddy shooting arrow.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Suit and Tie

Daddy most often is in a suit and tie.  He wears white shirts with a tie most every day.
He texts us pictures when he is on business trips of where he is, what his dinner looks like, pictures of him on the airplane or in meetings.  It is neat that he shares his experiences with us.  
We got a kick of Daddy at one of his meetings with a lei.  

After baths and pajamas girls got dressed up in Daddy's suit.
Made computer desks with American National signs complete with Eagle logos.

We love Daddy!