Monday, February 28, 2011

Zumba! February's Goal

I have a bazillion things I'd like to do and like to work on, but at the end of each month, I really haven't done any of I'm going to have a goal of the month, and report at the end of the month how it went and what I've learned.  February's Goal:  Excersize!
So......I joined the gymn!!
I used to think this was a huge waste of $$ without anything to show for it.
Oh how I have changed that view - I have a healthier, stronger body with better energy during the day and better sleep at night.  I feel better, and I've had a better attitude overall.  WOW!  That's worth it!  Excersize is good on so many many levels - physical and emotional.
Working out also helps me have a break from my precious little ones.  Thanks Colt for giving me an hour in the mornings.  I appreciate it SO much!
They have a workout class at our local gymn called Zumba.  I have never been able to stick to an excersize program for very long - but this one is so much fun!!  Great music to get up and dance to.   I LOVE music.  It's fun to have an hour with great music and a nice beat to move around to. 
I used to be self-consious knowing that I wasn't doing the moves right....this is alot like life....we're worried about what others think of us when everyone is so concerned if they are doing it right or not - just jump in, have fun, enjoy and don't worry about what others think.   They either don't care, they're glad they're not the only one, or you make them look good!
I also enjoy racquetball - chasing after that little bouncing ball is a blast!  Colt took me to play racquetball on our second date - great fun and great memories. 
To Fitness!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Our Babies at 5 months

Here's my favorite outfit for our girls.  All 3 wore it.  But I only have pics of River and Summer in it. 
Here are Summer, River and Silver at around 5 months old:



WoW!  Definitely Sisters out of the same mold.
Each like the other, and yet oh so different.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pregnancy and Delivery - My Journey

I believe that a big part of life is in our making choices - one of the biggest choices of a woman's life is pregnancy and many children....and the right to determine what kind of delivery she wants to have.  Please don't think if you've taken a different path than mine that I would think less of's our journey to make as we was my journey and some of my thoughts through my 3 pregnancies and deliveries:  Also, this is pretty detailed, you may want to skip this post if not desirous to hear details of pregnancy and delivery :)

Chapter 1
River Joy

Head is on the right, with two arms showing up light, tummy and legs towards the left. 

River's pregnancy was wonderful.  I was energetic, full of life, only got sick a handful of times, and felt wonderful.  I think that I finally slow down when I'm pregnant, eat well, and sleep well (good-bye insomnia!!  When I'm pregnant, I can SLEEP!).  I worked as Colt's secretary all through my pregnancy.  Towards the end of my pregnancy my back really started bothering me.  It got so bad I couldn't lay on my back - it had to be on my side, and it was very painful to roll over or get down or up.  By the time I hit the 38 week "full-term" pregnancy stage, I was getting nervous.  River rarely kicked or moved around.  You're supposed to feel them move quite a few times an hour.  I would feel River probably that many times a day if I was lucky.  I went in to check everything out after I didn't feel her for 2 days.  Everything was okay, she was just a very mellow baby, but it got me worrying. 
I went to my due date and beyond.  I cannot describe the feelings of done-ness that accompany 40+ weeks of pregnancy.  I talked to many doctors and nurses who felt that inducing me was the best option, because of risks of going past your due date.  I also had some say that induction was not the way to go, and to let the baby come when it is ready.  What to do???  I have never been so torn in my life.  Colt and I joked that when to have this baby (come on it's own or induce) was a bigger decision than to marry each other.  We decided to induce, had the date set, and then backed out the night before.  The next day I knew without a doubt that River needed to be born that day.  As parents, we have special responsibility for our children, and can receive promptings for them.  I KNEW I needed to be started that morning.  I decided that even though I had heard opinions from both sides of the matter, this was my baby an my decision to make, I still worried about what others thought, but knew this was our decision in the end.  This was a big turning point for me in taking a stand and becoming a Mom.
My doctor was good enough to let us come in and start even though we were probably 6 hours later than he had originally wanted to start things.....He broke my water and started me on Pitosin.  Pit ramps up your body and starts contractions.  When labor picked up the contractions came one on top of each other.  I had decided I didn't want an epidural.  Having a needle in my back was more scary to me than pushing out a baby.  With an epidural you  have to lay perfectly still - yeah right!  In active labor, I don't think so!  I had a teacher who had horrendous headaches as a side effect quite a while after having a baby...I thought labor can't be as bad as having headaches for months after the baby...anyway, I'm glad I decided before hand to do natural birth.  Everyone kept asking me if I wanted drugs, pain killers, epidural or in the end a spinal block - I thought, my goodness, is it that rare that a woman wants to do this naturally?
River came much faster than anyone was expecting.  They had originally told me around 3:30 in the morning.  Then it was changed to around midnight.  They checked me and told me it was going to be still many more hours.  I was thinking "I can't do this for hours and hours" little did I know that I was in transition.  Within 45 minutes of her saying hours and hours it was there.  45 minutes, I can handle! 
The nice thing is we were alone through most of it - I would tell Colt I needed someone and he would say just one more contraction.  It got to the point I said I need someone NOW, when he called the nurse, Dr. Bowman just happened to be walking past right then and it was full chaos after that with lights on and nurses running around and "Don't Push!"  Excuse me???  Don't push when there is a baby and your body is doing everything it can to get it out.  Yikes!
Pushing was the best part for me because I finally felt in control.  I had felt so out of control before when I just had to survive each contraction.  River got there around 8.
I was so grateful to hear her cry and to hold her.  What a blessing to have our baby girl and know everything went well.  I was grateful to everyone who helped get her here.

Chapter 2
Silver Dawn:

Baby is vertical in this picture with head on top right, arms go in front of her face and the chest and tummy below. 

Pregnancy again went well without many problems.  I started to have low blood pressure problems towards the end of the 2nd Trimester.  I would have to sit or lay down whenever a dizzy wave would hit because I felt very close to passing out.  While in the office alone one day I had to lay down - people would come by to drop off paperwork or make a change to their policy.  The best I could do was to ask them to write a note and Colt would answer it when he got back.  My back hurt even more than with River and would pinch so bad.  Colt's cousin Aaron Cluff is a chiropractor and that saved my back.  Absolute Miracle!  I would be adjusted every so often and would be able to move again.  Silver moved more than River did, but I still wouldn't call her very active.  After the 38 week mark I felt her activity slow as they get more cramped.  I was worried, but not nearly as much as with River.  At 40 weeks I was not dilated at all!  0.  We decided to start labor and the Dr. gave me Cirvadil (sp?) In hindsight I would never have taken it, it is widely given, but the potential side-effects in my opinion are not worth it - but then I guess that could be said about most every drug - if you read the side many things to weigh in modern medicine.  My body reacts strongly to medication - I'm pretty sensitive to any medical intervention in any form. 
He gave me Cirvadil at 5:00 pm saying that it was supposed to ripen the cervix to the point that he could break my water the next morning.  Leave it in for around 12 hours and take it out the next morning around 5, unless it starts hurting and take it out before that.  He said that he wanted to see me at 8 the next morning to start things.  I took River to the library after that and then visited Colt in the office.  I remember just wanting to sit down.  By the time I got home at 6, I was feeling really funny, and I took out the Cirvadil.  I started Mac and cheese for dinner, but couldn't finish it and called Colt to come home.  By 7 contractions were coming regularly and I was wanting to go to the hospital.  After Colt gave me a blessing in the parking lot, we walked into the hospital around 8.  We joked with the Dr. later that he said he wanted to see me at 8 :)  oh, that was tomorrow morning instead of tonight??  I couldn't make it down the hall without having to stop for every contraction.  By 8:30 when I had changed into the hospital gown and they checked me I was dilated to a 3.  They hooked me up to the machines and made me lay down to monitor me.  Then they gave me a IV in my arm during a contraction!  Why do I need an IV?  Just incase you need one later.....oh....  So for all of labor I have a needle in my arm.  She told me my labor was pretty weak still and wasn't too intense yet and that I had many more hours ahead of me.  She says:  We may send you home tonight and have you come in when labor kicks in.  WHAT???  Labor has definitely kicked in by now, but all they see is the 3.  I'm going through transition  and couldn't catch my breath - I was hyperventilating and really having a hard time calming down as the contractions were coming one ontop of the other without letting up inbetween.  She said that she had called the Dr and told him to hurry because "I wasn't handling my pain very well."  I had had quite enough of her by that time and just started to tune her out.  I felt that my body started pushing with the contractions and luckily Dr. Bowman showed up just then at 9.  On came the lights, nurses started running around, he threw off his coat, helped me into bed and delivered the baby right there. 
From 5:00 being 0 dilated and having the baby at 9, it threw my body into hard labor that was just too fast and too hard.  I was shaking so bad when they gave Silver to me that I could only hold her for a minute before I had to give her back.  I remember laying there crying as he sewed me up......I thought this is not the way I wanted to have a baby.  Then when Colt brought River to the hospital to see her new baby sister, they didn't want to let her in for risk of RSV to the other babies/patients in the hospital.   Hhhmmm.  This was a very stressful experience for me.  I wanted to go home.
I had been nervous to have a 2nd child.  I didn't know how I would handle two.  That night was really special for me in the hospital.  I remember holding her with the intense feeling that I could handle childbirth and to not let that scare me away from having #3.  The next morning I watched the BYU chanel on TV and saw a talk by Elder Holland called "Cast not aside therefore thy confidence"  It was exactly what I needed and I felt such a feeling of peace that this was the spirit that came to our home from Heavenly Father for us at this time.  I felt how central to Heavenly Father's plan family and children are.  I felt the love that God has for Silver Dawn and the love he has for us as her parents.  What gratitude I felt that all went well with the delivery and she was here with us.

VIDEO:  River in Hospital with Silver

Chapter 3
I have a history of Ovarian Cysts.  I had one removed when I was 18 and another when I was 28.  These are painful and have the potential of rupturing scarring the uterus, causing endometreosis, or twisting thus damaging or ruining the ovaries.  My first surgery took most of one of my ovaries.  The 2nd surgery took the fallopian tube on the other side.  So,  on one side I have one good ovary with no fallopian tube, and on the other I have part of an ovary with a fallopian tube.  I have wondered if I'll reach a point where I can't have anymore kids because of cyst complications.  Because of this, we decided to have Summer and Silver pretty close together. 

Summer Echo:

Face with her hand on the right.

Her face in profile.  Look at the light part below the black.  On the right you can see the head going into the nose and jaw.  Too Cute!

Pregnancy was different this time...I was quite a bit more sick than with my first 2.  I had a lot of morning sickness and throwing up.  However, my back didn't hurt - I attribute it to not sitting at a desk all day as I did with River and Silver.  Exercise is by far the best medicine, and chasing after 2 kids is the best exercise there is!
One of Colt's aunts had her baby with a Midwife so I started exploring that option.  I was nervous about not being in a hospital in case something went wrong.  But, I was extremely confident in my Midwife, (Summer was the 1133 baby that she delivered) that she could either handle whatever came up or transport me quickly to the hospital.  I was also worried that she wouldn't get there in time as I go extremely quickly and she lives an hour and a half away.  She taught Colt how to deliver a baby in the event that she wasn't there.  She also said that for ladies that go fast, there are rarely any complications.  I eventually stopped telling people that I was having a midwife because I knew that was the step I wanted to take and couldn't take their best intentioned caution anymore. 
Summer was my  most mellow baby and hardly ever moved.  At 38 weeks she slowed down even more and I started really worrying.  I had to get a calendar and mark it to make sure I had felt her at least once all day long.  Her heart rate was still good and in stress tests, she would respond, but I started getting anxious knowing that this baby needed to come now!  I started taking an herbal mixture to prepare the uterus and everything and I think it really helped, because this time I was dilated and effacing weeks ahead of my due date.  She told me 3 weeks before my due date that I could go "any time!"  It was a long 3 weeks.  I still went full-term and labor started on its own 2 days before my due date. 
I called my midwife Sunday morning thinking I might be in labor.  She showed up a full 4 hours before I gave birth and I was already dilated to a 6.  It took me 4 hours to go from a 6 to having the baby - much more manageable on my body.  I was also able to move - none of this laying flat on my back to have a baby naturally.  Colt and I played a card game until I started going into transition.  I was also able to move around freely - going to the kitchen for a drink of orange juice or using the bathroom whenever I needed to without asking permission and getting strapped back to the table.  Tip:  keeping your bladder empty will speed labor along, and make the contractions harder without the fluid in the bladder cushioning everything. 
I didn't have an IV "just in case" I wore my comfy clothes - instead of an uncomfortable open nightgown - and I wasn't strapped down to be monitored - she still monitored the babies heart rate and made sure everything was progressing okay.  The contractions, while still intense, were more manageable as I had one at a time and my body was able to relax and let go of the tension between them.  A warm/hot towel on your lower back works wonders!  And then when it got time to push, I didn't have to climb up on the bed.  Colt actually ended up delivering Summer.  She had her cord wrapped pretty tight around her neck which was causing the movement to slow and she was purple when she came out.  Her water broke as she was coming out - probably a very good thing with the cord wrapped so tight.  After some oxygen, and a good cry, she pinked right up!
It was a very spiritual experience, one where we could just take our time as a family and welcome a spirit into our home.  When Summer was delivered, she gave her directly to me and I held her for a full hour before she took her to be measured, weighed, etc. What a difference!

I think a woman's body is much stronger than we give ourselves credit for.  When I took prenatal classes with River, they said "Be sure to get your epidural in the beginning, before you are dying."  If I had done that, I would have never known what my body was capable of.   Some may say "why hurt yourself when you don't have to?"  I don't believe pain is a bad thing.  There is an element of sacrifice in this life, and some of it requires pain.
The scriptures have brought a different dimension lately with topics such as Deliverance and Sacrifice.  It's been a special time lately thinking of Christ's atonement...pain...let this cup pass from me....Sacrificing for temporal pain....spiritual pain....the eternal nature of family......blessings.....purpose of life....what it all boils down to:  Love of God and Love of All Mankind.  How wonderful that we are sent to this life with a family to care for us ....and also to have the chance to take care of another being on their mortal journey, to teach them temporal and spiritual matters and care so deeply for them. 

I am grateful to Colt for supporting me and being with me every step of the way. 

I have learned that each spirit is unique and different from before the day they are born.  Heavenly Father answers prayers and knows our situations.  In those final weeks before Summer was born, I read this quote by President Hinckley often "There has come to you as your birthright something beautiful and sacred and divine.  Never forget that.  Your Eternal Father is the great Master of the universe.  He rules over all, but He also will listen to your prayers...and hear you as you speak with Him.  He will answer your prayers.  He will not leave you alone."

How thankful I am that Heavenly Father has sent us River, Silver and Summer.  Each baby has been a unique blessing and sweet addition to our family.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Look! She's Dancing

Look Mom!  She's Dancing!
We had fun making our corn girls dance with their pretty green dresses

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Books - Reviews of our Favorites

We LOVE a good book!
Strangely there are no pictures of me reading to our girls -
I wonder why?  I'm always the one behind the camera :)
We usually read quite a bit throughout the day. 
Always before nap and bed times. 
VIDEO:  Silver Reading to Summer

I regularly find our girls exploring a book either alone or together. 

Reading is such an important skill -
If you can read, you can learn anything.
Ideas, how-to, history, knowledge...anything you are interested in -
the world is in-front of your eyes! 
Especially sharing that adventure with someone cuddled next to you is extrememly rewarding - Mom, Dad, sister or a doll! 

Silver reading to Summer

While there are many good books - the Book of Mormon is the greatest!
Our girls love scripture stories.
We try to read them a couple of verses of scriptures a day in the mornings before Colt leaves for work.
Before nap or before bed we read at least one story out of the Friend magazine. 
It is chuck-full of great stories that bring the gospel to a child's level.
Wonderful gospel resource!!

Here are a few of our FAVORITE books!
**K Library - An Undone Fairy Tale - by Ian Lendler  Illustrated by Whitney Martin
One of our all time favorites!!  This is child's writing at it's best!  A story about a princess locked in a tower and the brave night that rescues her....except that your child reads so fast that the illustrator isn't able to paint the pictures fast enough...We laughed all the way through it at each page turn...the horses and armor weren't ready the only costumes available were tutus.  So the knights rush into battle wearing tutus and riding fish!  The dragon wasn't ready and was still in the shower because you read so fast!  We have grape popsicle walls, banana swords and crayon-trees in this great adventure!  A MUST read!
**The Hippo-Not-Amus by Tony and Jan Payne  Illustrated by Buy Parker-Rees
Portly is a hippo that's not sure he wants to be one.  He keeps trying to be different animals and ends up as a "hippo-gir-ele-bat-onoceros!"  Great story about being yourself and wonderful illustrations.
**Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson Illustrated by Kevin O'Malley
We read this book in my Marriage classes at BYU - lots to learn about marriage from this one! A great twist on the Cinderella story - CinderEdna lives next door to Cinderella.  While Cinderella is sitting among the cinders after her work is done thinking about her troubles, CinderEdna is busy with her mean step-sisters too, but whistles while she works, learns all sorts of things, and does extra jobs for neighbors to earn $$.  CinderEdna takes the bus to the ball and wore comfortable loafers with her dress she bought with the $$ her earned herself.  At midnight Cinderella runs to her pumpkin carriage and CinderEdna runs to the bus.  While both girls lost a shoe in their rush, the Prince doesn't even know Cinderella's name while Rupert knows that his is named Edna and goes on a search for her.  Entertaining with a great lesson behind it!
**Fanny's Dream"  by Caralyn Buehner Illustrated by Mark Buehner
Another kids book that speaks volumes about dating and marriage - recommended and read in BYU marriage classes.  Fanny is a sturdy girl from Wyoming who dreams of marrying a prince - or at least the Mayor's son!  The Mayor gives a grand ball and.....her fairy godmother never shows up!  She ends up marrying Heber, worked along-side him on their farm.  Life is never fancy, but it is funny!  They have a family, and one night amid ordinary life...her fairy godmother shows up ready to take her to a mayor's ball that night, and she'll fix everything so she can have her dream.  "Do you want to go or not?"  Not - Answers Fanny. 
**F Library A Day with No Crayons by Elizabeth Rusch
This girls LOVES coloring.  One day she runs out of paper and colors on the wall.  Her mom takes away her crayons for a day.  Her life turns grey and all the color goes out of the pictures because her crayons are gone.  Gradually color returns to the pages as she discovers color all around her.  We enjoyed looking at the art she made with things from nature :)
**Fancy Nancy by Jane O'Conner Illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser
Fancy Nancy books are about a little girl who loves to be fancy.  River loves fancy things, and loves to go on adventures with Fancy Nancy.  Nancy uses "fancy" words and then explains what they mean, teaching kids vocabulary.  Example:  Aroma:  Fancy word for smell.
**F Library The Boy Who Loved Bananas by George Elliott  Illustrated by Andrej Krystoforski
Animals are a favorite of ours, so this book was an instant hit about a boy who loves to go to the zoo.  His favorite animals are the monkeys.  He only eats bananas after that and....turns into a monkey!
**F Library How Full is Your Bucket?  by Tom Rath
This story is so well done.  An intruiging story that teaches about feelings.  The characters have buckets above their heads.  When they are serving others and happy, their buckets are full.  If they are mean or look negatively at things, their buckets are empty.  They fill up or empty out depending on their choices and how others treat them.  River took the lesson from this and applied it everyday.  My bucket feels empty Mom.  Or, Can you see how full my bucket is?  All the way to the top!!  Mom, I just helped Silver, Do you see those drip drops going in my bucket Aand hers!
**Art & Max by David Wiesner
Imagination at its best.  This one has very few words.  This is about a lizard who loves art and accidentally turns another lizard into a drawing - his adventures in bringing him back to real life.  Ay one point his lizard friend is just a bunch of squiggles at the bottom of the page.  Too Fun - An imagination adventure. 
**Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?  by Dr. Deuss
Mr Brown can copy a lot of things with his voice.  Can you?   We enjoy matching our voice with the pictures and then trying to mimick other things we see and hear.
**F Library - Tell Me Why Series - this is put out by Readers Digest and an absolute joy to read. Well illustrated - to me illustrations make or break a child's book. It can be a good story, but if the pictures don't add to it.....for me a good kids book needs to have fabulous pictures!
Back to the books - this series is full of questions that kids ask about animals, science, nature and their bodies - it asks a question and then answers it on a child's level full of fun pictures. This is a must read for River with all her questions and desire for answers!!
**The Monster at the end of this Book by Jon Stone illustrated by Mike Smollin
Grover from Sesame Street is scared of monsters, and the title said that there was a monster at the end of this book!!  He doesn't want to get to the end, so if you don't turn any pages you can't get to the end right?  He tries tying the pages together, nailing them, building walls, as River giggles and laughes and turns the pages.  Fun!
**I Love You as Big as the World" by David Van Buren Illustrated by Tim Warnes
A beautiful book about love

After all - that is what reading is all about - LOVE!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


We have amazing sunsets, and have the most beautiful view.
A camera never does quite capture the full majesty of a beautiful scene or sunset,
but here are some that come close!

How Great Thou Art - Hymn 86

 O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy pow'r thru-out the universe displayed

 When thru the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze

 And when I think that God, his Son not sparing
Sent him to die, I scarce can take it in,
That on the cross my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin,

When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim, "My God, how great thou art!"

Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee
How great thou art!  How great thou art!

Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee,
How great thou art!  How great thou art!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Children's Museum

I love being able to get to the big city occasionally and take the girls to different places. 
This outing was last summer - to the Children's Museum:
VIDEO:  Here's River being a cashier.
The greatest part of the museum was a kids store complete with shelves stocked with play food.  They had a deli section where kids could stand behind the counter and other kids could order sandwiches and then they would make them for each other.  Complete with aprons and shopping carts.  Kids could even take turns being the cashiers and checking each other out. 

River's 4 going on 16! 

They had a little house where the furniture was all kids size - a complete house just for kids! 
Another fun part was the science section where they could experiment and learn all sorts of things.  Here River is learning about air currents.  They let the kids have a variety of things to see which ones would float better than others. 

River's creation went all the way out of the top of the wind tube.  She was pretty proud of her creation!

Lots of fun exploring and figuring out "Our World" 

VIDEO:  Silver checkout
VIDEO:  River checkout
A fun adventure that was out of the ordinary and full of learning!