River to Silver: "Silver!! NO toys at the table!! It's a Rule!" then to Mom: "Is that a Family rule or a Heavenly Father rule?"
River: Sigh....I wish I was 2 again...then I'd only have to take 2 more bites!!
Big Sister just wants to help: Silver yells "BABY!" every time Summer makes any sound at all. Silver loves Summer and many times just wants to play with her, whether she's awake or not! I regularly get a screaming baby where seconds before she was deep asleep.
Silver likes to rock baby Summer in her bouncer. She'll bounce her gently....sometimes. Most times she bounces so vigorously Summer's head is bouncing off the bouncer. After being told no and sometimes time out - 30 seconds later Silver's doing it again. Oh, having a newborn and a toddler not quite 2 has been challenging :) This I will say - Silver LOVES Summer, and shows that love ALL day long. Oh, the sweetness of kids.
Don't smell socks to determine if they are clean or dirty. Just trust me on this one - throw it in the hamper, it's not worth the risk of olfactory overload!
Colt and I were sitting at the table talking when in walks Silver carrying ....Summer! Summer was so tiny in Silver's arms she looked like a baby doll. We explained to Silver not to pick up Summer, but to call Mommy to get her up. Twice more the next day I caught Silver trying to pick up Summer. Yikes!
Silver's Sayings: "Whoah!" Said progressively louder as she bends over to examine something more closely. Today it was ants that found a cookie on the floor. "Whoah! (louder) Whoah! (louder) WHOAH! Bees!" She calls all bugs bees. Another cute thing she says all the time "Oohhh" When I explain something to her: Oh! When I tell her I'll do this and then we'll do that - I get a "K!"
I tell Silver she's my big girl for going potty or that she's a big girl and doesn't need a nuki anymore. Most every day she either crawls in the baby carseat or comes to me with her hand on her chest and says "baby" while patting her chest. It's really cute!
River says this multiple times a day "Mom (Or Dad) So, what can we talk about?" If I start talking about something she already knows, she says "Noooo Moooom! I want to talk about something I don't know...I want to learn about something!" Some of her topics: How do we get rice? After talking about that - "Oh, How do they pick rice? It's SO small!" What's a birth certificate? How do they make suckers? How do they make cars? How do they make houses? How do babies get in Mommy's tummies?
River: My Daddy can fix ANYTHING! Well, Except for my jewelry box!
River: "My Daddy's really smart - he knows everything." After a while she says "Mommy's know some things...not everything, but Daddys know everything!"
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