Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sweet Baby and Adorable girl!

Wow, June flew by and it's already July! Before we know it our girls will be all grown up!
Here are a couple of highlights of our month in review:

These are the most amazing photos! River's friend from Nursery Ali had a birthday party at the park. We got there after Silver had shots at her Doctor visit, so was having a rough morning. Michelle Federkiel took these pictures of Silver. How Amazing!! I love the colors! True Talent.
Tonight a cat visited us and River fed her new hungry friend dinner. Ah-lobber is her name :)

River LOVES computer games. For a 3 year old she is really good with the mouse and clicking to get around the different sites and games.

I had surgery last week and everything went well. The doctor says that my left ovary is looking just fine. The right ovary is looking pretty much gone - it was the one with both cysts, so we're not counting on that one. I've been so grateful through the whole process - I saw Dr Lunt, he was a fabulous doctor that answered ALL of my questions, was very respectful, made me feel comfortable and has called me at home for follow up and always asks my opinion and how I feel about things. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I feel very grateful and blessed.
My Dad sent me these beautiful "wishing a speedy recovery" lillies. I love lillies and orange, so this was tailored just for me! They bloomed their hearts out.
River enjoyed in her lady-bug preschool painting with glue and then sprinkling glitter on it.
We bid farewell to Celery and Apple after much fun with our chicks!
Colt has hosted a couple of BBQs as the insurance office and co-sponsered them with the Chiropractor in town. Speaking of chiropractic - the wierd thing about the anesthesia is that it settled in my right shoulder and neck - Very Painful! I also was clenching my jaw (which already has issues) as I was coming out of anesthesia. Our neighbor does chiropractics and with a couple of adjustments, the pain was Gone! It was also really helpful while I was pregnant, as my back would get pinched.
Silver and River are the Best of Friends! Silver is getting around now, turning and getting up on her knees. Going from sitting to all fours. She loves to be active and explore her world! She was pretty much exclusively nursed up until my surgery earlier this week, and now she doesn't hold still long enough to nurse very long. She is REALLY into food, has 3 big portions of fruit/veggies/cereal a day.
River really enjoyed her Birthday party. We had quite a few neighbor/nursery friends/cousins over for her party. We enjoyed playing with the parachute, playing some of River's favorite games: Ring around the Rosy, silly songs sung together, and enjoying cake with whipped cream! River still talks about her party and what she wants to do for her next one!
River LOVES to play with blocks and make things. We make animals quite often, with deer being her favorite - the bigger the better on the horns! LOTS of cheaters :)
River has enjoyed going to the Kanab pool. Last year she only dipped her toes in the water. This year she didn't want to get her suit wet on the first outing to the pool. She walked in the water daintily until a little boy ran past splashing her suit. She looked utterly disgusted with him and complained that her suit got wet but that she wasn't going to get it more wet. A while later another excited kid ran past and she toppled over completely into the water. Well, once she was completely wet she decided it wasn't so bad and has been in to her neck every since! She loves splashing and having a good time in the water.
River has also been really obedient lately. Right when the whistles blow to come out of the water, she pops out! Time outs work really well for her. For behavior that needs to be worked on, (being whiny, continuing to do things after being told no, etc) she has really been well behaved.
It was a fun 4th of July - we went to the parade in the morning and then the fireworks last night. River at first wanted to go home with the bangs being so loud, but after Colt covered her ears, she enjoyed them. I covered Silver's ears and she was completely still with big wide eyes the entire time enjoying the show!
Enjoying our blessings and freedom!

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