Monday, October 19, 2009

Desert Blooms as a .......Puncher Burr?

Thick nice grass? Lush Green Garden? Colt's promise to make it green for me for moving down to the desert? This lovely plant goes by several names: Tire Poppers, BullHeads, PuncherBurrs, Stickers, OUCHERS!
My shoes after walking around the yard. You can literally walk on the puncherburrs poking into the soles of your shoes.
We tried SO hard to get rid of them too. Spray seemed to only fertilize them. We were on-top of pulling them during the spring and early summer. We even hired a neighbor kid to help us. There wasn't one single plant in our yard. Then came a hot spell with a lot of rain. We weren't able to get to the yard for around 2 weeks. The result: Top photo.
Each plant makes thousands of seeds that sprout over the course of multiple years.
Poor River, she can't play in the dirt in our yard, there are always stickers poking her!!
But we're enjoying the journey, loving our yard and doing the best we can!!
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1 comment:

  1. OH my gosh!!!! How awful! What is the answer? What is the solution? I hope they all die when winter comes, then maybe by spring they won't come back? So so sorry!
