Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Autumn Time

Aaaahhh, It's that time of year when we pull out our sweaters and get to decorate in ORANGE and YELLOW! Orange has to be my favorite color, I love seeing Orange Leaves! There's a road I drive regularly that has TONS of big trees on it that are turning yellow and orange. Their leaves fall on the road and it's so pretty to see cars drive through them and throw up orange and yellow leaves around the car. Falling leaves are SO much fun to play in!
Halloween Costumes
Colt "The Law" and Karin "Indian Princess"
River was our "Zeep" 1/2 sheep, 1/2 Zebra!
The Girls! There are 4 little girls River's age - they have SO much fun together!
Our Community did the greatest thing for Halloween, a Trunk or Treat. We met at the church parking lot. That way the kids could see their friends costumes and show off their own. They had a chili cook-off, so there was dinner and a parade around the parking lot for the kids to be in. Then they got to go trick-or-treating to all the cars up and down the parking lot!! Superb idea!! Lots of friends, fun, food and CANDY!!!
River's pumpkin carving!
River got a turn holding the camera.
Hey Didn't your Mom ever teach you not to stick out your tongue?
Okay, that's better
Oh, I do love the colder weather! I have a theory - you ready for this? So, when I was in Logan people dressed for the Cold, you wore sweaters, gloves, hats and coats, and I was always really toasty and warm. Here it's SO deceptive, no snow, lots of sun, so we go outside with a light sweater, not properly dressed for how cold it's going to be and end up getting cold. So (conclusion of the theory here) people in Logan and snowy areas are warmer than they are here in S. Utah!! LOL :)


  1. It is wonderful isn't it!? And I LOVE the pics!!

  2. Great Pictures...we've already had our two days of fall up here in we're gearing up for the snow and fun..
