River had a very good first experience sharing the gospel. In Primary last year the kids were challenged to give away a Book of Mormon. River thought and prayed about who to give it to. She really took it seriously. It took a couple of months of thinking and pondering, but on her own she told me who she'd like to give it to.
There was a girl that she got to know at school that was a couple of years older than her. Mom, River tells me, she doesn't go to church - I would like to give my Book of Mormon to her. We wrapped it up in Christmas paper and River wrote her sweet testimony in it in her own words. We put it in a pretty bag along with another present for Christmas and took it to her house. She gave River a big hug and put it under the tree for Christmas.
She came up to River after Christmas break to tell her she loved the gifts that that she had gone to church with her Book of Mormon. I talked to the Primary President in the other ward and she told me that she is not a member and that was the first time she had come to church. She just brought it up to me again tonight how happy she was to share that...Mom, I had a lot of peace in my heart and I felt So happy. We are never too young to share a simple testimony and set a good example.
River is such a good example to me. She is always looking out for her sisters and loves the gospel. She is always making cards for me and for Daddy, for her sisters...She wrote in her journal "Believe in Christ and My Famley is Special to Me"
I kiss Summer's toes whenever I change her diaper. In the car the other day she took off her socks and shoes and started kissing her toes. :)
Colt: When everyone yings I yang.
River enjoys learning sign language and Spanish. She thinks it is the neatest thing to have more than 1 way to say things. She recently discovered her name is "Rio" in Spanish. She has started calling herself Rio and writing Rio on her school papers. Sometimes she'll write on a homework paper: River and Rio.
When I am holding Summer and she wants my attention, she puts her hand up to my cheek and pulls my face down to hers. Then she chatters on about what she wants to tell me. She does this frequently when reading a story. If there is something she needs to show me she'll reach up and rest a hand on my cheek and then tell me all about it.
Silver has started to put things sequentially. If we need to go run errands, she tries slipping in her requested stops too: "Mom, how 'bout this: We go to: (holding up her fingers and ticking off each item) Daddy's office, the bank, the library, the store, and then to Rain's house (Or Ginger's house!) Deal?
Why are there never any toothbrushes in the bathroom??? At the end of the evening, we round up the toothbrushes to brush teeth. All brushes fall asleep safe and sound in their toothbrush holder. The next night brings on the search for the missing toothbrushes. Maybe they hang out with those socks that never have a match...
Silver: "My face dirty...Mom, me wipe my face on your shirt?"
River: "Mom - We're best friends! Yup, Best Friends Forever...Forever and Ever!!"
Silver says "yessirree!" for everything that gets a yes answer. Only she pronounces it Essss uuuu weee! With enthusiasm!
As Mommy and Daddy were attempting to fix River's flat bike tires River says "Boys are stronger than girls, but girls are smarter than boys!"
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