Sad and Happy...

River was able to fly with Life Flight to Primary Children’s in SLC. Texas was an amazing hospital and the team was everything I could have ever asked for. Especially her oncologist - the best doctor we could have ever asked for.

River was able to fly with Life Flight to Primary Children’s in SLC. Texas was an amazing hospital and the team was everything I could have ever asked for. Especially her oncologist - the best doctor we could have ever asked for.
River and the wonderful Dr Steffin
I can’t begin to describe how good it was to come to our home base hospital where everything was familiar. We were on sacred ground where we had felt so much of heaven’s help over the years.
I cant begin to describe my feelings as the 2 life flight nurses entered our hospital room. They took control. They knew what to do. I had absolute confidence in them that if River needed any care they would be able to handle anything that came up. They were amazing!
If she had flown 3 days earlier I would have not been allowed on the plane for Covid restrictions.
We went sailing in Houston with the “sailing angels”.
I will always think of them as River’s “flying angels”
This was a special experience for me to have been in the thick of it all - doctors, nurses, ICU, awful monitors beeping all night long, pain, heartbreak, disappointment, nausea, medications, side effects.....
And be lifted up out of the craziness into the sky. Peace. Quiet. Sky.
To have a view a little more like Heaven’s.
Her ever faithful polar bear: Mr. Carrots
It was a sweet wonderful time. River slept the entire time we were at altitude. The ascent and descent were a bit shaky but the entire cruising flight was steady and calm and peaceful.
I knew she was in capable hands. There was a place prepared for her at Primary Children’s. She had a room and a nurse assigned. Everything was ready. We were safely delivered.
One life flight Nurse leading the way
And another behind.
River’s flying angels.
D&C 84:88. for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
My thoughts turned to heaven during this flight and River’s angels that will take her to her heavenly home.
Contrast that with Colt’s journey home. 24+ hours driving time through snow and several car breakdowns along the way. Gas station and hotel stops during a Covid outbreak. 4 children to transport including a potty training 3 year old. We called him during one of the potty breaks and got to see the kids. 20 minutes later I called again for a medical question...and they were at yet another potty break.
River and I were raised above the craziness and wickedness of this world. River will be safely delivered to heaven surrounded by her angels and family welcoming her back home.
Alma 40:11
Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life.
We’ve been thinking of coming home and longing for home for over 16 weeks. I love the above scripture that we are taken HOME to God.
River FaceTiming with Sisters and Ridge
We had a miracle worked in our behalf where both Colt and I could be together with River. In the hardest, most special conversation I've ever had, we explained to River that this time there was no cure, and she would be going home to Heaven. It was such a spiritual wonderful window when she was the most lucid I’ve seen in well over a month. We read her Patriarchal Blessing with her. It was such a special, sacred time. She understood. She was able to cry and feel the sorrow and also reflect and feel peace. She asked some deep questions. She grieved to not be able to experience many of the things of life, but her greatest concern was for her siblings. And in the evening she chose "Families Can Be Together Forever" as our bedtime song and sang along. She also said the prayer thanking God.
River has always amazed me but none more than this bittersweet moment of acceptance and hope.
River will be coming home TODAY! We will all be together at home!
There are times I feel so much peace with her passing. I am grateful she gets to go to heaven and not be in anymore pain. And then there are times I feel so sad that she’s not going to be with us very long and we will miss her for all future meals, vacations, Christmas... etc etc. My heart hurts and aches terribly. My heart is joyful. My heart finds peace in Christ. My heart is broken. My heart is comforted.
We decided to do 5 days of radiation. Radiologist said he wouldn’t hesitate to do this if River was his own daughter. He took the time to meet her and get to know her twice both before and after talking to us. He felt radiation has a good chance of lessening her pain and lots of symptoms and hopefully giving her more quality of the time she has left. Radiologist's hope was that she could talk more and spend more quality time with family and friends with minimal side effects.
It was literally a 10 minute decision we had to make or that scheduling door would be closing if we didn’t grab it right then. River chose to do it. She said she wanted to do it if it meant more time making memories and talking with sisters and Ridge.
I came home to look in my kids eyes, calm their grieving hearts and keep teaching on a new very personal level the Plan of Salvation. Letting them know River will be going to heaven. And laughter and playing and singing and snuggling and reading.
It’s been my greatest heartbreak and my greatest honor and joy to walk beside them all in this journey.
Summer helped me to make our Plan Of Salvation “map”. Each piece was carefully designed by Summer with the colors and the patterns each of significance to her.
This is the way I taught my kids of River’s going to heaven. (Drastically simplified here)
We lived in Heaven as Spirit sons and daughters of our Heavenly Parents in the Pre-mortal World. We learned all we could in his presence. He had a Plan of Happiness that would allow us to continue to progress, become like Him, have a fullness of Joy, and live with him eternally as families.
We shouted for Joy at the opportunity to come to Earth. To get a body and to be tried and tested to see if we would follow God. Mortality has so many many opposites that are to bring us experience.
Anxiety - Peace
Despair - Hope
Pain - Wholeness
Sickness - Health
Evil - Goodness
There was a veil placed to keep us from remembering our Heavenly home.
It would truly be a test if we couldn’t remember heaven.
But there was help along the way. God would give us prophets and commandments and a Savior to show us the way and pay for our sins when we choose him and follow his commands to help us return home to God.
Physical death is the passageway into eternity. Our physical body is laid in the ground and our spirit goes to the spirit world. One of the main things in the spirit world is the teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ so that all souls may have the opportunity to learn for themselves and choose to embrace that or not.
Then comes resurrection of all people because Jesus Christ loosened the bands of death.
This perfect eternal body will not have any sickness, pain, or death.
Following that is our Judgement day with Christ as the judge. I believe he will speak to us of how we learned to love, how we were obedient to God’s commands, and who we have become.
Based on who we have become through Christ’s grace is which degree of glory our soul will belong to. The highest degree is the Celestial Kingdom - the place of eternal families and living with God. I love how summer chose a paper stating “home sweet home”
The entire plan is JESUS
He made it possible to be saved from our sins. He has paid the price. It is not by our merits we get into the kingdom of God, but because Christ has paid our debt and we have chosen Christ.
River with the Amazing surgeon Dr Meyers 💖
Sad and happy.”
Oh my sweet Tanzi! It is true! Sad that we won’t have her physically with us. But oh so happy that she will be free from pain and sorrow. She will be a missionary in the spirit world teaching through her great faith and her experiences about Christ and his gospel. She will thrive there. She is going to LOVE heaven and be right in her element.
Hymn #120
Lean on my ample arm,
O thou depressed!
And I will bid the storm
Cease in thy breast.
Whate’er thy lot may be
On life’s complaining sea,
If thou wilt come to me,
Thou shalt have rest.
If thou wilt come to me,
Thou shalt have rest.
2. Lift up thy tearful eyes,
Sad heart, to me;
I am the sacrifice
Offered for thee.
In me thy pain shall cease,
In me is thy release,
In me thou shalt have peace
In me thou shalt have peace
Love you all.
ReplyDeleteWhat an incredible journey. Thank you so much for opening your hearts and sharing these tender moments with us. We have had you in our hearts constantly! Love to your family from ours! ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteYour family will always be close to my heart if you don't mind please tell river have a safe trip home
DeleteThe Duffield family love you all
We love you all! You are always in our prayers Hugggs Bing And Beth and kids
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your sweet testimony of the plan of salvation, the love you have for your children, and the precious journey you have shared with River...what a treasure she is...when she does return to her heavenly home, I know my sweet Emily will give her a hug. We love you and your family...thank you for letting all of us share in Rivers life...please give her a kiss for me. I pray that the precious moments at home with River and your family will be sacred and happy ones for all of you.
ReplyDeleteRiver has been preparing for this her whole life. She was here to teach us how to live and love. She is a great example that will continue on the other side. Her family there will be waiting with open arms. She will miss her physical association with all of you too. But she will get to see another perspective and be with you a different way. May angels continue to surround your family as you go on this difficult journey sending River home.
ReplyDeleteYou all are amazing. What a beautiful journey that you have shared. I know we didn't spend a lot of time together but you are one of the strongest and most faithful people I have ever known. I have so much love and admiration for you. I've always been sending prayers your way.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you all, His Peace be to you all which passes all understanding: Phillippians 4:7
Love you all. Thank you for sharing your families courageous story and the plan of salvation.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your heartbreak and peace with us. Your beautiful writing brings us understanding as we share your pain. You and your family have helped us far more than you know. We have always loved you and your family has been in our prayers. Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey with sweet River.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your example of faith and courage as you face the beautiful transition with love, certainty and humility. You are truly inspiring. We pray for you and your family and we know angels are attending to you.
ReplyDeleteOh, River. Such a blessing for everyone that knows you. Jesus Christ is my rock. Love you. Thanks Karin for the information and the wonderful lesson of love.
ReplyDeleteThese words and memories will be a treasure in years to come. Thank you so much for allowing us to find peace and joy through them as well. We love you all so much!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing something so personal. WE BELIEVE and will keep you all in our hearts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteWhat an incredible journey! These precious moments will certainly help carry you all through the years. Your family's faith, courage and strength is truly admired! Sending love and prayers your way! Love, Kacey & Matt Thomas
ReplyDeleteWe don't know each other but I live in Kanab and have followed your journey. Your story brings me to tears, and your faith and love make me want to be a better human being. Love to your whole family.
ReplyDeleteLove and pray for River and all your family.
ReplyDeleteLove, strength, courage, and peace sent to all of you.
ReplyDeleteMuch love, Doug and Heike Dawson
Your expression of love and faith has been tender blessing to me. I will pray for comfort for you family and be ever grateful to have read about River's journey.
ReplyDeleteOh sweet girl, I know you will be welcomed and happy till everyone is together again. Peace and comfort to all
ReplyDeleteLove, prayers, hugs, and peace to your family. As a father my heart goes out to you. Families truly are forever.
ReplyDeleteI remember getting to know River through Mary Poppins. She’s a sweet girl, amazing actress, and just radiates joy. I only had those few months of talking with her but even in that short time I could see how brilliant she is. My heart goes out to you and your family and as sad as it is I’m glad she won’t be suffering anymore.
ReplyDeleteThere are no words that speak loudly enough of your bravery and love at this time. River is a special Child of God and he will be anxiously waiting for her, to welcome her with open arms. God bless you all. xxxx
ReplyDeleteI don't know you and you don't know me but soon we will have much in common. We lost our son, at age 4, in a farm accident. We, you and I, will be in an elite group of mothers that know that loss and the responsibility of parenting other precious children amidst our own grief. I love your testimony of how the Plan changes. Our family chose to move forward with faith and our family motto became Choose joy. My heart knows your pain. My heart knows your testimony. I will pray with all my heart for your family as you move forward and that you will, as I have, find the blessing of knowing that your faith is enough to carry and your family through the time of grief that you will experience.
ReplyDeleteRiver was a beautiful brave girl. God Bless her and your family!
DeleteHello again. Thank you again for sharing River's journey with us. What a sacred experience this all is and it is a blessing to read about it and journey with you. Your Plan of Salvation is so beatuiful. We had a Plan of Salvation Family Home Evening the week before Link left this world. We had no idea that he was leaving us, but when I looked over the pictures from that month, I remembered and knew (again) that Heavenly Father was teaching us, preparing us and loving us into the transition we were about to go through. I will pray for your family as you cherish every second with your sweet daughter and speak of heaven, angels, and eternal love. And, most likely, much will be spoken without words. Don't fight the polor emotions. I fought them for so long and tried to understand them, but honestly, I just had to try to hold them at arms length and accept that it was my new normal.
ReplyDeletePrayers and more prayers!!
Thank you so much for sharing the story of your beautiful daughter and her journey, along with all of your family. Your love, faith and testimony is a strength to so many. Love and prayers for all of you <3
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. Last month I had the opportunity to pad through your sphere of influence when I went fishing with the Ragsdales.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine the depths of anguish. Thank you for sharing the details. Death is painful for the living. It is we that feel the loss. Promise of eternal unity strengthen our faith to be worthy to return and be with them.
You guys are amazing and an inspiration. We love you all and are praying for you!
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful story and child of God! Love and prayers! Your family is an inspirational all!
ReplyDeletegrief is the tax on love
ReplyDeleteAmen, to all you have said. I am so sorry that River’s earthly journey is ending. I know it isn’t the healing you had prayed for. I add my testimony to yours that Christ makes all our story endings glorious. You are teaching your family to have the spirit with them through this. Angels are round about you. Your dear River will continue to be near in heart and spirit. Although a stranger I share in your grief and tears. God keeps his promises. Another mom of an angel.
ReplyDeleteKelly Ratliff
My heart grieves and yet, I appreciate so much your story. I hope her pain is lessened, as well as yours. Thank goodness for a loving Heavenly Father and our brother, Jesus Christ, who love her as much and more.
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautifully written. I don’t know your family but my heart has connected with you from this honest and tender post. May our Heavenly Father wrap all of you in the arms of his abiding love today and always.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these sweet experiences with all of us. Our thoughts and prayers are with your sweet family. May heavenly Father continue to bless each of you with the comforting influence of the Holy Ghost. River is such a sweet young woman with knowledge and understanding beyond her years.
ReplyDeleteI am feeling your pain and your joy. We said goodbye to our son, Benjamin 10 years ago. I feel so sad for River as she grapples with those same feelings that Benjamin had. When he realized that he would never go on a date orkids a girl or get married or have kids, I could tell he was grieving what he would miss out on. I remember promising him that the great plan of happiness is so perfect that he would not be denied any of the blessings that would make him happy. Your River, and my Benjamin, and all of the others who were gone too soon will have every opportunity. Soon your family will have their own special guardian angel. When paying for angels to attend you, don't be afraid to request your favorite angel.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the typos. Kiss a girl* and when praying for angels*.
DeleteWhat a happy/sad but inspiring story of knowing happiness amid the coming loss of a loved one. Great faith borne out of a knowledge and understanding of Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm sure you have touched many hearts and inspired many to increase their faith in God's eternal plan of happiness for each of us. River has so much to look forward to as she goes beyond the veil to her heavenly home.
ReplyDeleteI want you to know that we love you and your family very much and you made an impact on our ward. God be with you and thank you for your example 😘
ReplyDeleteLove love love your beautiful family. River is love. She amazes me with each smile, through her pain, and she has helped me come closer to God in a special way. So happy for the wonderful doctors that have taken care of her. We think of her everyday.