For Christmas Morning, one of the presents was a container of Jelly Beans. We told Silver she could have 3. She studiously picks out one...then another...then a whole handful!!
When it rains and snows much our front yard/driveway turns into a GIANT mud puddle. River and Silver were going to walk over to Paca's house for a visit and because Daddy was over there. After 10 minutes I look out and see that they are still playing in the mud. 10 minutes more and Silver is knocking on the door after falling in the mud and getting completely covered head to foot. After chaning everything she had on, I walked them over. River kept walking and then going back to the mud puddle: "I just don't know why my boots keep going to the mud instead of Pacas!" After another attempt to go "Silly Boots, they keep wanting to play in the mud!"

Daddy overheard River pretending she was talking to Jesus: I love Jesus more than Bears.....after a short pause...AND PIGS!! River enjoys eating fruit snacks - when she was little she called them bears - like gummy bears so when she asks for bears, she's asking for fruit snacks. Pigs are her favorite animal - because they're pink of course! So to love something more than Bears AND pigs is truly more than anything else!
River brings me a pack of gum. "Mom! Smell this! Do you smell that yummy smell in your nose? It smells like Broccoli!!!" My girls LOVE broccoli! It is the first thing that is requested for dinner, and the first thing to disappear from their plates. Served with Ranch or cheese, it's the best!
Silver starts Screaming...a hurt wail. Immediately I hear "I'm Sorry, I didn't mean to!! I asked her why Silver was screaming. River "I accidentally bit her...but I'm SO sorry!"
I do not like olives. River reminded me that it is a rule in our house to try one bite of everything on the table. So, yes, I had to try olives again....
Halle-u-na! Halle-U-NA! HALLE-UU-NNNNAAA! River singing and dancing. She was trying to sing "Halleluja"
River has a very personal relationship with Heavenly Father. He is always on her mind and close to her. She says to me: I'll help you with that Mom! Mom: Thank you! River: "I just KNOW that Heavenly Father is smiling at me right now. My Primary teacher told me that when we do good things, God smiles...:) I always want to help God smile, instead of be Sad, cause when we do bad things, he frowns, like this....." Quite often she talks about God smiling.
We have jobs for River to do, and after she completes her jobs, she gets a ticket. She can turn in tickets to play with friends, tv time, special things, etc. She asked if she could watch a movie, and I asked if she had a ticket. She said no and asked how she could get a ticket. I said that if she cleaned her whole room she could get a ticket. She came back with "I have a great idea, what if I clean my whole room AND the front room." Hhhmmm, DEAL!
River: Mom, I just remembered a rule! Don't wipe your nose on your shirt, use a tissue. I kind of forgot!
Some of Silver's words: Chicken: Chichi or Chich-in Cracker: Cracki Blueberry: Blubblubblu :)
Imagine this said in Silver's little voice...drawn out and then voice going higher at the end. I asked Silver who each person's name was. Silver, what is my name? "Moooommmmyy". What is her name? 'Wwwiiiwwweerrrr" What is his name? "Daaaaddddyyyyy" What is her name? "Baaaaabyyyyy" What is your name? "Meeee!!!"
They asked me what name my account was under at the library. I answered "Brock". My goodness! I haven't been a Brock for 6 1/2 years!! I was known as Karin growing up. Everyone says my name differently. My family says car (like a car you drive) and -een like Halow-een. A lot of people called me Karen growing up and I was too shy to correct them. I also went by "Miss K", and "Brock" because people didn't want to mispronounce my name. On my mission I was Sestra Brock. Colt calls me Karin (careen - like a car careening out of control). Then I went from Brock to Henderson. While it was hard to give up Brock - it is an honor to share Colt's name and be known as his wife - becoming one! We were called "The Colts" by a family in Kanab and sometimes at church when they can't remember my name I am "Sister Colt". With River's friends I am known simply as "River's Mom!"
I asked Colt to bring us "something green" from the store on his way home. He brought us Brussell Sprouts and Artichokes. Hhhmmm, next time I'll need to be a bit more specific!