Monday, July 25, 2011

Our Lemonade Stand

It all started with the neighborhood kids selling pickles and water.
Pickles and Water - Who Knew it would be such a hit!! 
Everyone was supporting their stand and buying things from them and even River came in and got her $$ to go buy pickles and water.  She came back in awhile later asking for more $$ so she could buy some more.  We suggested that she pick something that she could sell to earn back her $$.  She decided to sell gummy worms.   She not only made her $$ back, but made a couple more nickles as well.   Hhhmmmmm, gummy worms or pickles??
So then next day they decided to set up an even better stand...They pooled their goods and sold gummy worms, kool-aid, hair ties, and assorted candies.   
They set up their store complete with a stand, sign and cash register!!

They set up the stand on the most visible part of our street and made quite a lot of $$.

We split all the $$ evenly.
 Our budding entrepreneurs!

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