Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ladybugs and Butterflies

Summer found a dead bee - and packed it around most of the day.
"Me love my bumblebee" she says.
After lunch she left it on the table, and I swept it into the garbage thinking she had forgot about it.  Awhile later she comes back asking for her bumblebee.  "But I loved my bumblebee!!" 
I felt so bad!
We found TONS of ladybugs this summer.
We would go out ladybug hunting and there were some usual spots for them:  On a bucket filled with water, on the slide and on certain trees and plants in our flowerbeds.
Here are some unusual ones:  Yellow, grey and red.  We also found a pink one up frog creek that we didn't have a camera handy to snap a picture of. 

Grey Ladybug

This was such a fun butterfly!
She just sat on their hands. 

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