Saturday, October 15, 2011

Our Quest for the Perfect Pet

We have been searching for the perfect pet.
One that is quiet (my requirement) doesn't jump on me or compete for my attention (also my requirement) not always underfoot (can you see a pattern here), one that we can put back into a pen when no longer are playing with it.....Long story short:  We found the PERFECT PET!!
We called her Sparkle!
She is a guinea pig with fur that sticks up everywhere.  She had the cutest markings on her. 

one white ear, one black ear, one white foot, one black foot, with a white Mohawk down the middle.   

Super calm when we hold her, mellow, sweet. 
The girls hold her when they watch movies, switching her back and forth, and also when we read stories in the evening, they swap her with each book or each chapter.   She would make the cutest sounds, and would love eating carrots and apples out of their hands.
We loved our Sparkle. 

Now for the tragic news: 
We had friends over to come meet Sparkle, and with 7 kids running around and it being a beautiful day, we decided to head outside to play in the rock pile.  With kids going in and out of the house, the front door got left open and SamBo went inside.  I was alerted that something was wrong when Silver was hysterically screaming "SamBo NO!"  He had pushed the bottom of the cage - plastic from the top of the cage - wire.  I tried to take apart the cage just the night before to clean out her shavings, but it didn't budge, and was securely fastened top to bottom.  He got in there and chased her around, by the time I got SamBo back out and came to her rescue, it was too late.  We only had her for 1 week. 
So sorry little Sparkle.  We will really miss you!

It broke the girls hearts to hear that their guinea pig was killed.  We've buried way too many pets lately!  When I called Colt to tell him the news he was still in the city and made a stop by a pet store to get us a new guinea pig.  We are still adjusting to the new one - lovingly named Sparkle II in loving memory of our sweet pet.  We are so grateful that Daddy made an extra stop to get her. 


  1. Wow, you have terrible luck with pets. Poor Sparkle. I hope you have better luck with this next one. :)

  2. Oh I AM SO SORRY! Don't feel like it's just YOU that has bad pet luck. I'm learning that pets are very much part of the lesson's learned in life's journey and most of the lessons begin and end with "The Circle of Life." I hope all goes well with Sparkle II! Bless you all. You are such an example to me Karin. I was pondering again today how nice it would be to live closer to you. I think I could really use your strong spiritually dedicated example. Take Care!
