Tuesday, February 26, 2013

School Days 1st Grade and Preschool

River is in 1st Grade!
1st Day of School
We continued the tradition of going to the school to meet her teacher before the 1st day and help out where we can.  River and I were able to put up their classroom's bulletin board outside the classroom to showcase everyone's work.  They will also be learning about money this year, and it's value, so we cut out TONS of laminated "coins" for use in the school.  This is so valuable as we get to chat with the teacher and do a service project too!  It helps the kids take ownership in their room and learning.  Very fun at the same time to work together.

River has been able to be part of the gifted program both this year and last.  She has a once a week class where she can have additional learning opportunities.  This has been fabulous for her and she looks forward to Mondays!  It is her most favorite part of school!

VIDEO:  1st Day of School before school

River with her 1st Grade Teacher:  Miss Melanie Honey

This year Silver has also been able to start school!
She does PreSchool at home with me.  
We ordered 2 fun books to work through - she is very protective of these books as these are her "school books!" and she takes it pretty seriously!  
We also do "Smarty Pants" cards by Melissa and Doug - I found these at the local Pharmacy, and really have enjoyed them, they have questions for the kids that are engaging and help them learn with being fun at the same time.  On the back of the cards are answers that also have more facts for them.  Super fun and Silver LOVES it!  We also read lots of books and explore the world around us through dance, art, exploration, hiking, cooking, playing, cleaning, working, games and music!

She also gets to go to Preschool 2 days a week for 2 hours.
I love this picture "Ready to GO!"
She has really enjoyed this!
Her Aunt MaryAnne puts on a Preschool for her grandkids and has invited Silver to join too!

Silver with her class
L-R  Silver, Shelby Riddle, Austin Cluff and Brennan Cluff

"Crazy Grandma" - as the grandkids call her with Silver :)
She looks forward to it and asks most every morning if it is a Preschool morning or not.
She has gained valuable social skills here too - interacting with an adult other than myself and Colt and with other children.  Her teacher says she is very obedient and always does what she is asked to do.  She tries hard and does her best work!  She is impressed with her ability to remember things and grasp concepts.  I haven't pushed ABCs or major learning concepts yet, as she is still just 4 years old - mainly did Preschool to expose her and have fun, but Silver has taken it and ran with it.  She enjoys learning and has such a great time along the way.



Silver has learned a lot about letters and animals and geography and been exposed to quite a lot of info and had TONS of fun at the same time.  It has been very good for her to have her special learning and play time.  

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