Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Home:  A Picture Essay
Home is Love.
Their Eyes
Her Sweetness
Her Energy
Playing Together and Having Fun!
These Couches.
More specifically - the couch cushions!
The cushions are everything from rocks to jump to to not get in the hot lava, caves, boats, etc. 
Here they are hiding from the vacuum.
Cooking with Mom.
Adding one choco chip at a time :)
Humming bird feeders
Big Messes
This was styrofoam ALL over the front room floor and couches.
Picture taken after quite a bit was cleaned up.
Making Dinner
Homemade Pizza Here
Washing Dishes
How many dishes (and laundry) can 4 bodies dirty?
Growing taller!
Measuring and marking on the door frame.
Dirty Faces and shirts
Being in his arms.
Safety, Security
Reading Stories
Small footprints
Asking for "Tandy!"  With her hand outstretched.
She climbed up on the counter by herself to get into the candy stash.
Her Nuki
Sisters playing.
Tea Party
River * Silver * Mr. Carrots - the bear * Chris-Bead - the dog
Grass!  And running around outside.
Baby Summer
Holding my baby
Pictures of the Savior
Singing Songs about Jesus
Family Nights
Family Morning Devotionals -
A Song, A Prayer and A Scripture to send us off on our day.
We have the primary songs playing in the background most days and definitely to fall asleep to.
Toesies to Tickle

Art Projects
River enjoys holding Summer every chance she gets.
She loves reading stories to Summer.
His Smile!
Silver runs up to Colt every time he comes home and yells "Daddy!"  Gives him the biggest hugs.
Lots More Stories to Tell and Read!
Sunday Dresses
Learning to Share (and not wanting to share)
Smiles and Laughs - Screaming and crying too.
When they're all finally asleep at the end of the day.
And coming in to say "Good Morning" to start it all again!

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